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Graphic-web-print designing glossary/dictionary of terms

These terms are commonly used in the graphic design and website design world.


Thin transparent plastic coating applied to paper or board to provide protection and give it a glossy finish.

The layer element, which is a Netscape proprietary tag, allows you to position content from another document on top of a Web page.

The vertical spacing between lines of text.

A print made by drawing a design with oily crayon or other greasy substance on a porous stone or, later, a metal plate; the design is then fixed, the entire surface is moistened, and the printing ink which is applied adheres only to the oily lines of the drawing.

Lossless Compression
In graphic design, lossless compression refers to a data compression technique where the file quality is preserved and no data is lost. Lossless compression is commonly used on GIF images, but can only reduce file size to about half of its original size. Lossy compression, by contrast, eliminates some data can further decrease file size.

Lossy Compression
A term coined by graphics programmers to refer to a technique of shrinking file sizes by giving away some precision of detail. JPEG is an example of a file that is compressed this way. By reducing the so-called quality of a picture when you save it, you can make the file size smaller. Many photos can take of loss of fine detail before it becomes noticeable on a web page.

Abbreviation for Lines Per Inch.


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| S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

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