Graphic-web-print designing glossary/dictionary of terms
These terms are commonly used in the graphic design
and website design world.
Online If you are connected to the Internet, you are
online. Online advertising is done exclusively on the web or through
Online Marketing Online advertising is done exclusively on the
web or through e-mail.
Outline In graphic design, tracing of the outer edge
of text or a graphic image. If the outline is feathered,
then the effect is generally referred to as a glow.
Overprinting Any printing that is done on an area that has
already been printed.
| A
| B | C
| D | E
| F | G
| H | I
| J | K
| L | M
| N | O
| P | Q
| R |
| S | T
| U | V
| W | X
| Y | Z